A. Entire e-learning packages / products
non-credit lesson or module
non-credit course (a collection of modules)
credit course
a. K-12
b. adult / post-secondary
non-credit program (a collection of non-credit
- credit program (a collection of credit courses)
B. E-learning Industry
Learning Service Providers (public and private
sector agencies, brokers, portals that contract
with learners, manage students and administer
client services; they must meet standards
for student management and overall e-learning
- E-learning enterprises (businesses that produce
and sell e-learning services; in addition to
product specific standards in the three categories
below, they must meet consumer standards for
marketing and management)
- a. Content (format and nature), e.g.,
- RLOs / SCOs
- Information repurposed
- b. Design and production (instructional
design and format) e.g.,
- Authoring tools
- Development tools
- Content Management System (CMS)
- Learning Content Management System (LCMS)
- Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)
- Choice of Hardware and ICT
- c. Delivery and management of learning,
- Delivery and collaboration tools
- Learning Management systems (LMS)
- Integrated Learning Systems (ILS)
- Student Information Systems (SIS)
- Digital portfolio systems