
All clients register once. A client is defined as the official organization or agency paying for the license. Individuals may not be clients. Following payment of the registration fee with registration form, a contract is negotiated/signed, and 50% is paid before the audit begins.
In the context of e-learning (using a computer and the internet), eQcheck licenses both products and services, both credit and non-credit.
- A product is a complete learning package.
- A service is part of a learning package provided by an organization or agency.
- The term credit means for recognition by a recognized accrediting body, e.g., high school, public or private university or college, professional body.
- The term non-credit implies there are limited or no acceptance or transferability issues.
Assessment primarily takes the form of self-assessment. Following payment of the registration fee and signing of the contract, clients are given access to the self-assessment tools (on-line and/or in print). Products that achieve the necessary score on the assessment tools - i.e., the necessary quality - can be licensed with the eQcheck after the assessment is satisfactorily audited. The initial service fee, then, includes the cost of auditing the assessment and the initial license fee. Thereafter, an annual license fee is assessed.
The product fee schedule is based type of e-learning product; i.e.:
- a non-credit lesson or module
- a non-credit course (i.e., a number of lessons or modules)
- a credit course
- a non-credit program (i.e., a number of courses)
- a credit program
- a part of or an entire agency or organization (e.g., department where all e-learning products are developed and delivered in the same way by the same agent; a department cannot be licensed until / unless all the courses / programs are licensed)
- entire agencies with different departments cannot be licensed until/unless all departments and variety of products/services are licensed
- elements of e-learning products
The service fee schedule is based on type of e-learning service from an organization or agency providing specialized components of an e-learning package directly related to the quality standards.
- The fee schedule is based on the type of service required of QualitE-Learning Assurance Inc. Services include, but are not limited to:
- An audit of a self-assessment, i.e., examining the evidence, making a judgement and providing advice if/where necessary.
- Consulting services including but not limited to:
- An assisted assessment and audit, training quality assurance staff to undertake the assessment, assembling the evidence for self-assessment, then eQcheck audit.
- A complete assessment, i.e., a complete external assessment and audit.
- E-learning development, pre-assessment and/or post-assessment advice.
- Third-party assessments and evaluation of product options.
The payment follows three steps:
- One-time registration fee
- eQcheck service fee (audit resulting in license and/or consulting services)
- Annual license fee
Payment Schedules
One-time registration fee to establish records, determine nature of contract(s), and maintain contracts and records of:
- $500 for small enterprises (under 10 employees) and non-profit organizations
- $1500 for individual eLearning providers (school districts, universities)
- $2500 for large-scale corporations and government departments
Consulting fees (per diem rates of $1500 CD) for:
- assisted assessment (plus audit fee)
- complete assessment (including audit fee)
- e-learning service assessment and audit (negotiated case-by-case)
- individualized e-learning product development and improvement
- generalized workshops and presentations
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