The eQcheck is designed to ensure that a product
will give satisfactory performance to the consumer.
The standards on which the eQcheck is based
are the Canadian Recommended E-Learning Guidelines
- the CanREGs, published and copyrighted by FuturEd
Inc. and the Canadian Association for Community
Education (2002). The CanREGs are based on best
practice and research in distributed learning
and learning technologies, developed through a
national consultation process, and sponsored by
a number of national organizations.The key features
of the CanREGs are that they are:
consumer-oriented - developed with particular
attention to return on investment in e-learning
for learners
consensus-based - developed through consultation
with a balance of provider and consumer groups
in Canada and beyond
comprehensive - inclusive of all elements
of the learning system: outcomes and outputs,
processes and practices, inputs and resources
futuristic - describing a preferred future
rather than the present circumstances for
design and delivery
distinctively Canadian - reflecting the highest
of Canadian values and learning priorities
adaptable - best used for adult and post-secondary
education and training, but adaptable to other
levels of learning services
flexible -- not all guidelines will apply
in all circumstances
The CanREGs are recommended by the following
national and international agencies:
Alberta Online Consortium
Association for Media and Technology in Education
in Canada
Canadian Association for Community Education
Canadian Association for Distance Education
Commonwealth of Learning
Licef, TeleUniversite
Office of Learning Technologies, Human Resources
Development Canada
SchoolNet, Industry Canada
These standards are under regular review to ensure
that they remain relevant to, and compatible with,
current market requirements and advances in e-learning
best practice. In developing and monitoring the
relevance of the standards, we maintain close
contact with certification associations, standardization
bodies, key educators and consumer groups to ensure
that our standards are consistent with their own.