E-learning consumers may be individuals,
organizations like corporations or school boards,
even entire provinces or states. How do you make
informed choices?
That's exactly where we come in! QualitE-Learning
Assurance benefits consumers of eLearning products
or services in three distinct ways:
- Lists of products that have met eQcheck quality
standards on the website. The eQcheck Certified
list will be updated regularly, so check back
- Consulting services to help make appropriate
choices between products and services. Contact
us for information on the consulting services
we provide.
- Public awareness to highlight the need for
informed decision-making and quality concerns.
Here is a list of some of the upcoming keynotes
and workshops related to e-learning quality.
E-learning consumers have access to, in fact
are targeted by, eLearning organizations from
the global marketplace. Given the variability
of cost, quality and relevance, consumers need
tools and assistance to make informed choices
and to ensure return on their substantial investment
of public and private resources. The eQcheck certification
mark is their short-cut to informed decision-making
and quality assurance.
Get on the path to informed decision-making today!
To protect your monetary investment, and personal
credibility, it is essential that you perform
the necessary due diligence to ensure your investment
returns top quality e-learning. You can
also download a consumers guide in English
(375 KB PDF file) or the French
version (371 KB PDF file). Another option is to
view our brief Flash introduction.
It outlines the consumer benefits in a short presentation
Act today, and start getting what you pay
for. You'll be glad you did! Please contact
us for any additional information you may