eQcheck (the e-learning quality assurance people) logo.  
The Term "e-learning"
e-learning for Consumers
e-learning for Producers
Benefits to the Licensee
History and key facts
The e-learning industry


e-learning for producers page heading graphic.

In order to differentiate your eLearning business from the competition, you need an important factor that separates you from them. Given that consumers want "value", and not "cheap", the best way to present your value proposition is through quality.

As a producer of eLearning products and services, the benefit achieved through a quality certification will have a significant impact on your bottom line. The eQcheck quality assurance symbol applied to your products or services can be just the thing to get new customers to knock on your door. So are you ready to do what it takes to get recognized as a provider of top quality eLearning?

All you need to do is follow the steps below, and you will be half way there!

Step 1:  Register with QualitE-Learning Assurance Inc. - the eQcheck company -- to apply to become a licensee. This will require filling out a short registration form and accepting the service agreement (both on-line). Clearly identify the product or service that is to be assessed, whether it is:

  •   A module or lesson
  •   An entire course
  •   An entire program (with similar or dissimilar courses)
  •   An entire agency or institution, or
  •   An e-learning enterprise in the industry.

This will tell QualitE-Learning which assessment tools to send you.

Step 2:  Provide evidence that your products and services meet the eQcheck standards in one of three ways. You choose between the following options.

  •   Self-assessment -- Using the appropriate QualitE-
      Learning self-assessment tool, provide the evidence   that your product or service meets the eQcheck   standards. This can be done on-line; we will send   you the right tool to use.

  •   Assisted assessment -- Contract with the eQcheck   company to help you do the assessment and   establish ongoing quality assurance mechanisms.

  •   External assessment - Contract with QualitE
      Learning to conduct the complete quality   assessment for you.

When done, QualitE-Learning audits the assessment - examining the evidence -- and awards the eQcheck certification mark if the eQcheck standards are met. The eQcheck company will work with you to make the necessary changes and improvements, if the assessment falls short on the first attempt. Once the standards are met, you become a licensee, and sign the license agreement allowing you to use the eQcheck seal of quality.

Step 3:   Use the eQcheck certification mark to indicate to customers and competitors that your products meet international quality standards. QualitE-Learning will provide you with guidelines on how and where the certification mark can be used.

Step 4:   Continue to monitor quality and meet quality standards in order to continue using the eQcheck certification mark. QualitE-Learning will conduct spot checks to provide continuous quality assurance to e-learning consumers and to ensure the integrity of the eQcheck.

Note: There is a one-time registration fee, a per-product audit fee and an annual license fee.

Get on the path to becoming recognized as a provider of top quality eLearning today! Proceed to the registration form, or contact us at info@eqcheck.com for additional information.

Please check out the Quality Standards and Benefits pages for additional information on how the eQcheck quality certification can help you and your customers. You can also download a (720 KB) PDF file that contains everything you need to know to become an eQcheck licensee.